Re-survey corruption on Kerala land fair value
The History of Resurvey in the State:
The Kerala State consists of old Travancore State, Malabar and Kasargod areas of old Madras State and old Cochin State. The original survey of former Travancore State was conducted during the period 1883-1912 and that of Cochin area during the period 1899-1909. After that no resurvey has been conducted in these areas. In Malabar areas, though a resurvey was conducted during 1923-28, it was found necessary that the sketches in the field measurements books and other survey records had to be completely re-prepared afresh or a resurvey conducted. This is mainly due to want of systematic maintenance of land records and also due to insertions of numerous sub division in the original measurement sketches. Arrears had also accumulated in carrying out mutations in land records. With the introduction of metric system in land records, necessity for re-preparation of land record under that system also arose. Re-survey of the State and preparation of land records based on the existing limits of occupations would also facilitate the speedy implementation of land records and collection of agricultural statistics. Considering all these aspects, it was decided that a Resurvey of the entire State would be attempted. Accordingly the scheme "Re-survey of the State" was sanctioned in G.O. No. 78l/65/ RD dated 6-10-1965 and is being implemented from 1966-67. Web Source: Directorate of Survey and Land Records -
Re-surveying of kerala land is the largest corruption that ever Kerala witnessed. This Corruption centered from every districts to every wards.
In Kerala state, the re-survey work had done before 45 years. But the work finished so far only in half of the villages. Even though the department had received 22 lakh complaints. Bhoomi Kerala project also became a failure. Within the mean time, survey Work had completed only in 2 villages.
See completed re-survey villages here
Re-survey made poor people and common people landless, and rich people received benefits like land, that was taken from the poor and from the common people. Presently, the re-survey department employees are doing this Survey for their own financial benefits. They are making faults knowingly, in the re-survey and taking bribes from the people for correcting the mistakes.
Survey records should be in order for the computerization of the land records. Village & Panchayat records also must be computerized to avoid errors. Government’s declaration of 2008 to make online system of Survey Registration records, not yet come true. Kerala Government is doing nothing to restart the survey. Government must see the tears of the poor and the common people, who lost their land and that became others.
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